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2023 Sponsors
Steering Group
Become a Sponsor
To take advantage of our Sponsorship Opportunities below, contact
Renee Stake
Lunch Sponsorship (SOLD)
Exclusive sponsorship
Company representative will serve as Lunch Keynote Speaker
Opportunity to provide a 3-minute, pre-recorded video on company products/solutions to be hosted on event website and shown at the event
One (1) Table Top included
Recognition as Lunch Sponsor in official press release
Company logo and sponsorship designation featured in pre-workshop promotional e-mails
Company logo and sponsorship designation featured on workshop website
Company logo featured on event signage
Distribution of your company’s promotional items and literature (if desired)
Ten (10) complimentary workshop passes
Breakfast Sponsorship – $5,000
Exclusive sponsorship
Opportunity to provide a 3-minute, pre-recorded video on company products/solutions to be hosted on event website and shown at the event
Recognition as Breakfast Sponsor in official press release
Company logo and sponsorship designation featured in pre-workshop promotional e-mails
Company logo and sponsorship designation featured on workshop website
Company logo featured on event signage
Five (5) complimentary workshop passes
Networking Breaks Sponsorship – $5,000
Exclusive sponsorship
Opportunity to provide a 3-minute, pre-recorded video on company products/solutions to be hosted on event website and shown at the event
Recognition as the morning and afternoon Networking Breaks Sponsor in official press release
Company logo and sponsorship designation featured in pre-workshop promotional e-mails
Company logo and sponsorship designation featured on workshop website
Company logo featured on event signage
Five (5) complimentary workshop passes
Lanyard Sponsorship – $3,000
Exclusive sponsorship
Distributed to all attendees upon arrival
Company logo and sponsorship designation featured on workshop website
Company logo featured on event signage
Sponsor is responsible for the production and timely delivery of the lanyards
Two (2) complimentary workshop passes
Table Top Exhibit – $5,000 (limited number available)
Company logo with link on event website
Company logo and sponsorship designation featured on workshop website
Company logo featured on event signage
One (1) display table and two (2) chairs in exhibit space
Five (5) complimentary workshop passes
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