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2023 Sponsors
Steering Group
Tutorial Presentations
Tutorial Presentations (All)
Fundamentals of Timing and Synchronization
Atomic Clocks and Primary Frequency Sources
GNSS as a Primary Time Source
Synchronized Clocks
Clock Metrics
ITU-T SG15/Q13
Distribution of Timing Over the Physical Layer of Networks
Distribution of Timing Over the Packet Layer of Networks
Testing Packet Time and Frequency
Sync in Telecom and Mobile Networks
ORAN Fundamentals
PTP in Broadcast and Finance Industries (and associated profiles)
PTP in the Power Industry
Workshop Presentations
Opening Keynote: Future Time Synchronization Needs for Quantum Networks
Keynote: The 10G Platform: Not Your Father’s Cable Network Anymore
Virtual Keynote: Over-Reliance on the GPS System with Implications to PNT
Keynote: Developing a PNT Architecture Framework
Keynote: Security Aspects of Time Synchronization Solutions
Keynote: LEO Satellites for Time Synchronization
Keynote: Recent Advances in Quantum-Based Timing
Telecom Track (All)
5G ORAN – Timing and Synchronization Architecture and Solution
Syncing the Cloud – from T1 to TAP
Clocking the Telco Cloud
Challenges with LinuxPTP on TelcoRAN Deployments
Time Error Analysis of 5G Time Synchronization Solutions for Time Aware Industrial Networks
Synchronization Monitoring in Telecom Networks
Implementing Efficient Clock Advertisement in Partial Timing Networks
Assisted Time Holdover Using Over-the-Air Measurements
Precise Timing in the Power Grid
Precise Timing in the Power Grid Track (All)
Virtual Keynote: Hydro-Quebec’s Next Generation Synchronization Network
Virtual Keynote: The Importance of Time in Digitalization and Decarbonization of Power Networks
How Time Synchronization Enables the Transition to Digital Substations
Application of Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Profile for Power Utility Automation over Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) Networks
Finance, Data Centers, Distributed Computing & Hybrid Clouds
Finance, Data Centers, Distributed Computing & Hybrid Clouds Track (All)
Time Determination for Forensic Analysis of Multipoint Network Traces Taken Across Distributed Hybrid Cloud
ePRTC in Datacenters – GNSS Backup as a Service (GBaaS)
A Historical View of the Need and Current Use of Precision in the Financial Services Sector
Best Practices For Resilient, NIST/UTC-Traceable Sub-µsec Timestamping of Financial Trades
Synchronizing Distributed Compute Environments across Hybrid-Clouds and Data Centers
Synchronizing 100 Billion Devices
Sync in Broadcast & Multi-Media
Sync in Broadcast & Multi-Media Track (All)
Supporting the Transition to SMPTE ST-2110 – The Importance of Legacy Timing Signals
Best Practices in Synchronizing IP-Based Packet Broadcasting Networks
PTP Security Best Practices for the Broadcast and Professional Media Industries
Timing Measurements & Metrology
Timing Measurements & Metrology Track (All)
Challenges in Synchronization Testing for ORAN Fronthaul
Test Methodology for Measuring and Specifying Holdover in Industry Standards
Measuring PTP Service Performance in Data Centers
Measurement of Timing Performance Over a Heavily Impaired Network
Removing the Discontinuity in Coordinated Universal Time Caused by Leap Seconds
High Accuracy Optical Boundary Clocks
The Role of National Time Scales for Critical Infrastructure
Experience From the Field
Experience from the Field Track (All)
Precise Timing Network, a GPS/GNSS Independent Synchronization Network for Telco’s
Hidden Challenges: Sync Impact of New Networks
IEEE 1588 Timing Performance Under Environmental Stress in an O-RAN Node
Security, Resilience
Security, Resilience Track (All)
Time Divergence in Multi-Constellation GNSS Receivers – an Investigation into Risks and Resilience
Optimizing Resilient Time Delivery Through Estimation Calculations
Covert Message Channels and Master Spoof DoS attacks on IEEE Precision Time Protocol (PTPv2) with Timemaster
Robust Redundant Time Servers for Anti-Spoofing Protection
Various Methods for Attaining a Resilient and Secure Timing Architecture
Alternate PNT Including Activities in Space
Alternative PNT Including Activities in Space Track (All)
Terrestrial Timing System
Got Time for Alternate PNT? Real-World results of a Selection of Alternate Sources of the “T” to Augment/Back-Up GNSS Signals
In Service Synchronization Monitoring and Assurance in Telecom, Power and Broadcast Networks
PNT Using Time-Difference of Arrival (TODA) Techniques with Low-Earth Orbiting (LEO) Satellites
Sync of Mobile Radar-Platform
Time & Frequency Sources & Synchronization
Time & Frequency Sources & Synchronization Track (All)
Traceability to UTC from GNSS Measurements
UTC(NIST) via Two-Way Satellite Service
Space-Time Synchronization via Wireless Two-Way Interferometry (Wi-Wi)
System Level Compensation on Extending Holdover in Synchronization Systems
High Accuracy Time Distribution In Telecom: Why and Where?
Poster: The NIST Special Calibration Test
Poster: Sub-Nanosecond Synchronization in Core Networks for Assured PNT System
Poster: The Impact of Deterministic and Nondeterministic Components on ePRTC Holdover
Poster: A Deep Dive Investigation into the Challenges of Sync Over DWDM Networks
Poster: Monitoring Timing Delivery Performance
Poster: Horizon-Nulling GPS/GNSS Antenna Technology to Minimize Jamming and Spoofing Threats
Poster: Ensuring Trusted Timing in Critical Infrastructure
Poster: Synchronization Architectures & Reference Clock Requirements in Data Centers
Poster: Timing in Finance: Down to the Picoseconds
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